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Hi! I’m Jacob, a Masters’ student at Stanford University studying Artificial Intelligence. My academic interests are broad but roughly center on understanding ML systems through their applications. Among my many hobbies, I enjoy sports, cooking, D&D podcasts, and abusing LLMs.

Here are links to my resume, github, and linkedin. You can leave me anonymous feedback here.

Work Experience

During Summer 2022, I interned with Jane Street and played figgie all day used a diverse software suite (python, excel, bloomberg, SQL) to research and develop trading strategies.

In 2021, I interned with Five Rings Capital, researching under the mentorship of a full-time quant and competing in proprietary training games.

In 2020, I worked at the Openproof Foundation, developing a node.js frontend for mathematical logic courseware.

In 2019, I interned with ASR Analytics, developing a graph-based recommender engine to inform IRS tax compliance interventions.

In 2018, I participated in the University of Maryland REU Program, researching a finite graph approach to the Hadwiger-Nelson problem. The resulting paper was published in the journal Geombinatorics.



During Winter and Spring 2021, I researched the Outer AI Alignment problem under the mentorship of Alex Turner, extending Turner’s definition of POWER to multi-agent games. I presented at the Winter and Spring SERI conferences and coauthored several blog posts as informal writeups.

Stanford DRP

During Winter 2019-20, I studied Algebraic Topology (Hatcher) under the mentorship of Joseph Helfer. I also gave a talk presenting the topic to undergraduate students (slides).

Montgomery Blair HS

MBHS Math Team

During high school (Montgomery Blair HS), I was a member and later co-captain of the Blair Math Team. During that time, I wrote up lecture notes on various math topics, with a specific focus on audience participation and making learning fun. Some highlights are listed below:

Magnet Survey

During Fall 2020, I worked with fellow Magnet alumni Laura Cui and Steven Qu to design and take a survey of students’ experiences in the STEM Magnet program. Our results are available here, or see the Magnet Foundation press release.

Miscellaneous projects